MIT Center for International Studies

MIT Center for International Studies (CIS), founded in 1952, conducts research and teaching in a wide range of international subjects, among them international relations, international migration, human rights and justice, and political economy and technology policy. The CIS seeks to bridge the worlds of the scholar and the policymaker by offering each a place to exchange perspectives with the other, and by encouraging academics to work on policy-relevant problems.

CIS includes 160 members of the MIT faculty and staff, mainly drawn from the departments of political science and urban studies, and visiting scholars from around the world. We sponsor formal programs, multidisciplinary working groups and numerous public events. While CIS does not offer teaching programs, the Center's faculty and staff engage with students as colleagues in research, audiences in public events, and enthusiastic participants in the MISTI international internship program. MIT also assists students in obtaining external funds for international activities through the CIS fellowship database.



Senior Faculty


Notable Members


  1. ^ MIT CIS Directory
  2. ^ Aiding scholars at risk, Harvard Gazette, By Corydon Ireland, October 25, 2010